Sunday, March 22, 2020

Decision Making in the Unknown World of Covid-19

18 March 2020

Self quarantined.  Check.  Social Distancing.  Check.  Plenty of provisions.  Check.  Warm, sunny, breezy weather.  Check.  Virtually private anchorages.  Check.  Why did we struggle so hard with the decision to head home?  

View from our anchorage at Charlotte harbor
Here is the dilemma.  So many changes from day to day.  Marinas and fuel docks are closing.  Will our boatyard be considered "non-essential" and therefore have to close down leaving us stranded in Charlotte Harbor? And if so, will there be any boatyards and marinas available to new boaters?  Will interstate travel be limited and gas supplies low?  We just decided we would rather deal with the unknowns and the challenges that we think are facts now and deal with all the inevitable reiterations from home.  We are still controlled by tides, water depths and winds but as soon as they came together, we made it back to the dock at Safe Cove Boatyard.

It has been a very short season on the water, but we had one of the best sailing days we have had since owning Well, Why Not? and it was glorious:  7.2 knots with 12-18 knots of wind.  

Trying to get a good sailing picture...we need a drone!

This was the best I could do.

Our view after transiting the "infamous" lock for the last time this season
We have a few days to unpack the boat and pack up the car.  And with that I am signing off until next season.

1 comment:

  1. Be safe. It will be more difficult to practice social distancing on land. Thank God for pay at the pump.
