Sunday, February 24, 2019

Hello "Well, Why Not?" We are back again!

24 February, 2019

After one year away from the boat we were pleased to find no mold, no mildew, no cockroaches, a few signs of leaking and no more dust than expected.  The deck was really dirty, but not outrageously so.  And so began our 2019 sailing season.

 Is it our memory?  It seemed like we had to get to know our boat all over again.  Where is ....? was heard hourly. Where does .... go?  likewise.  I had to go through the annual review of AC and DC power sources and rules - where was I when this stuff was taught?? 

We were on the hard for two weeks doing both the routine, (Jim up the mast to exercise the gib furler, washing dock lines, emptying water tanks to refill with fresh water), the unexpected (replacing the "Y" valve in the waste system and repair of the propane system) and a few major repairs (air conditioning, outboard motor, dripless system).  The dodger and biminy were re-installed. This list does not include the non-boat related repairs:  new windshield for our car and a major fix for my computer which was on a slowdown strike of major proportions. 

Well, Why Not? Dockside

The resident alligator, also dockside
The most intriguing repair was to the dinghy.  It has three inflatable tubes - one on each side and one in the forward section.  Two of the three would not hold air.  After finding no obvious leaks, we resorted to what seemed like a very improbable "trick".  We put a sealant into all three tubes and spent the next four hours flipping the dinghy front to back and side to side every 4 hours.  It seemed unlikely to us that every interior surface would be coated and small holes sealed, but we persevered!!  We then added more air and have had no leaking since.  Who would have predicted success!!

Jim, flipping the dinghy
This is the year of the frog on the Well, Why Not? calendar.  We had seen a few on the boat while on land and didn't think much about it.  But one evening when Jim was opening the aft hatch over our bed, a frog fell through!  Rather startling.  The next morning one was on the galley floor.  Three more have arrived on the scene and while we like the idea of their bug eating habits, we are not thrilled to be sharing our home with them.  Couldn't figure out how to make them pets, so overboard they went.

For the first time we had friends join us for a few days on the boat.  Dean and Shelley our neighbors in Chatfield were the brave souls.  

Dean anticipating the lock
With extra help onboard the exit through the lock was almost flawless!!  

Dean swimming after checking the rudder 
We actually enjoyed a sailing day in Charlotte Harbor - a delightful change from constant motoring.  Their last day we ventured to Cabbage Key (one of our favorite anchorages) only to find it like grand central station.  Over an hour wait time for that "Jimmy Buffet cheeeburger in Paradise" and boats of all shapes and 
sizes going up and down the  intracoastal waterway.  

Dean and Shelley at Cabbage Key
We were sad to see them head home, but not at all sad to be avoiding  the unbelievable Minnesota winter weather they are returning to!

Where to now?  Who knows?  Stay tuned.

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